Project evolution

A.1 Defined processes
A.2 Basic design of the demonstration plant
B.1 Construction and setting-up of the demonstration plant
B.2 Technology Validation
B.3 Development of a strategy to ensure sustainability, replicability and trasnferability
C.1 Monitoring and measurement of LIFE performace indicators
C.2 Environmental and socio-economic impact
D.1 Dissemination planning and execution

C.1 Monitoring and mesurement of LIFE performance indicators

A LIFE performance indicators are necessary in order to evaluate and measure the LIFE byProtVal development, some of the indicators are englobe in:

- Environmental and Climate performance

- Natural Resources Consumption

- Economic performance, market uptake and replication

- Communication, dissemination, awareness rising

- Finantial feasibility, contributions to legislatives drafts and impact of dissemination

This measures are developed in differents stages of the project:

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png C1.1 Monitoring (29/06/2018)

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png C1.2 Monitoring (29/11/2019)

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png C1.3 Monitoring (30/11/2020)

      C1.4 Monitoring (in progress

C.2 Environmental and socio-economic impact

 This analysis is very important to comprehend the environmental impact of LIFE byProtVal from the following point of views: 

     C.2.1 Life Cycle Analysis (in progress)

     C.2.2 Socio-economic impact (in progress)


 LIFE byProtVal bioproduct benefits


 LIFE byProtVal industrial symbiosis

D.1 Dissemination planning and execution

The LIFE byProtVal is disseminated in relevant national and international fairs and conferences, using a dissemination material and contact with differents working groups within same technical field and related projects in order to exchange knowledge, practices and reach general or specialised public. For this reason it has been developed:

D.1.1 Dissemination planning and development of Dissemination Plan (in progress)

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png Website

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png Dissemination material

Captura_de_pantalla_2023-07-05_151416.png Publications

     Final Event (in progress)

D.1.2 Networking and contact with authorities (in progress)


LIFE byProtVal Notice Board

FaLang translation system by Faboba

This project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement LIFE16 ENV/ES/000467.

Information published in this website reflects only the authors’ view. CINEA and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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