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LIFE FOR ACID WHEY - Reuse of acid whey for extraction of high added value bioactive proteins
The main objective of the LIFE for Acid Whey project is to demonstrate a new technology for the extraction of high added-value proteins (including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and immunoglobulins) from waste whey streams. The Fast-flow Monolith Based Whey Protein Fractionation process will extract lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and immunoglobulins in an economically-viable way.
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LIFE RENDER - Promoting the implementation of product environmental footprint methodology un the European dairy sector
Life-RENDER aims to demonstrate under real conditions the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of an innovative tool enabling the realization of PEF and PEFCR-compliant studies by SMEs from the Food and Drink sector and the identification of focused environmental measures. The project will promote the implementation of the Environmental Footprint Methodology at European level as key tool to assess and to communicate life cycle environmental performance to business consumers and stakeholders.
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LIFE NEWEST- New urban wastewater treatment based on natural coagulants to avoid phosphorus pollution allowing mud’s agrivalorization
The main objective is the industrial demonstration of a new innovative and environmentally friendly technology for the phosphorous removal in the wastewater for urban and industrial treatment plants and the valorization of the agriculture generated sludge.
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LIFE LIBERNITRATE - Responsible reduction of nitrates in the comprehensive water cycle
In Europe, 87% of groundwater is polluted by excess nitrates, and in intensive farming and cattle areas, the concentration in groundwater can reach one to seven times the legal level. Life LIBERNITRATE will build a prototype plant for the depuration of water with a high nitrate content. The plant will feature an adsorption bed made of active silica, obtained through a second prototype for treating waste ashes from the controlled incineration of rice straw. The project also plans to raise awareness amongst farmers of reducing nitrates at source by cutting their use of nitrogen fertilisers.
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R3WATER-FP7-ENV-2013-WATER-INNO-DEMO-619093-Demonstration of innovative solutions for Reuse of water, Recovery of valuables and Resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatment. The main objective of the project is to demonstrate solutions that support the transition from a treatment plant for urban wastewater to a production unit of different valuables.
So far waste water treatment plants are usually regarded as facilities to avoid emissions from wastewater. Current research and development shows that these plants can be converted and upgraded into production units to provide energy, nutrients, water for re-use and possibly other valuables. This is achieved by improved resource efficiency in the plant as well as new technologies and business models that allow the re-use of resources from the incoming water.
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Iberwaste - Disposal and valorisation of Iberian pig wastes from slaughterhouses
IBERWASTE is a LIFE+ European Project developed with the aim to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of innovative disposal and valorization systems for Iberian pig wastes in an environmentally friendly way, turning valueless wastes into inputs for agriculture. IBERWASTE implies the development of one management system or procedure and 2 new technologies (classification system and ECO-hydrolysis) to be demonstrated at semi industrial level and also obtaining a new product for being used in Agriculture.
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LIFE+ VALPORC - Valorization of pig carcasses through their transformation into biofuels and organic fertilizers
The LIFE+ VALPORC project aims to demonstrate a process for the sustainable management of animal by-products from the pork industry, especially pig carcasses and manure. It seeks to exploit these waste products by transforming them into biofuels - biogas and biodiesel - and organic fertilisers, with resultant environmental and socio-economic benefits.
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BIOSTISYM-H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-749774-Investigation of plant biostimulating properties of feather protein hydrolyzate and the effects on symbiotic microorganisms
Aim of this project is the development of a new biostimulant based on feather protein hydrolyzate, a waste product that would otherwise be disposed with the negative impact on the environment, which can enhance plant growth and/or stress resistance, and act in synergy with symbiotic microbes and/or promote their growth/functioning. Synergistic effects of tested biostimulant and the symbiotic microbes on the growth promotion of wheat will be studied at the level of plant biometric parameters, biomass yield, nutrients and photosynthetic apparatus. The indirect plant mediated effects of biostimulant foliar treatments on root colonization by symbiotic microbes, their functional enzymatic activities and community structure will be determined.
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Re-Live Waste focuses on the development of an effective management technique for nutrients in excess within circular economy activities. In particular, it tests innovative plants to recover nitrogen and phosphorous under the form of a precious struvite-based fertilizer. Sereco, that is the project partner responsible for the drafting of the preliminary feasibility studies for each area under study, will implement and test four pilot plants devoted to the transformation and precipitation on struvite from livestock slurry. The activities will not only involve the research institutions and the production facilities that joined the project, but also additional local partners, based on the conviction that a circular economy requires the involvement and support of multiple stakeholders and may only be developed effectively only with the feedback of all interested parties.
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Production of advanced biodiesel from animal wastes using supercritical technologies
The overall aim of this project is to apply an improved process, sustainable and ecological to obtain an eco-efficient biodiesel in accordance with current directives and regulations, from raw material from animal waste, thus applying the principles of circular economy.
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FERTIMANURE is a project dedicated to the innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources for the production of high-added value FERTIlisers from animal MANURE.
FERTIMANURE is an EU-funded project, which develops, integrates, tests and validates innovative Nutrient Management Strategies to efficiently recover mineral nutrients and other relevant products with agronomic value, from animal manure. FERTIMANURE will obtain reliable and safe fertilisers that can compete in the European fertiliser market.
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Collaboration with FICOINNOVA to test the valorization of spirulina production by-products to extract protein derivatives based on the LIFE byprotval methodology.
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This project, like LIFE Byprotval, aims to demonstrate the production and use of a new innovative substrate based on temperate sediments for use in agriculture. They will also perform the validation of sediment-based substrates to be applied in Italian and Spanish nurseries for the production of ornamental plants (cherry laurel) and fruit trees (olive and citrus) and for the cultivation of non-food crops (protea, calla, cherry laurel) and food crops (basil, blueberry, arborvitae, strawberry and citrus).
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Knowing the challenges and challenges of the circular economy for start-ups, to reinforce the Circular Economy Model for START-Ups that would help to the business development of LIFE Byprotval.
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OVOVAL is a regional AVI project of the Valencian Community (INNEST/2022/347), investigating how to transform the waste that makes up the chicken eggs that are broken in the packaging centres and their conversion into renewable resources for application in the agri-food, ceramics and footwear sectors of the Valencian Community.
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The main objective of the AccelWater project (Nº958266) is to optimise water consumption in the food and beverage industry within the water-waste-energy nexus through the introduction of cutting-edge water recovery and reuse, monitoring and control technologies based on Artificial Intelligence.
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The Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental and Food Technology Technology Centre (BETA) was created in June 2014 to give a definitive boost to research activity in the field of environmental technologies at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVIC-UCC). The impetus for the fulfilment of this mission comes from both the execution of R&D&I projects and the transfer of knowledge to the private and public sector. CT BETA's knowledge is organised around expertise in a) Environmental Technologies and Circular Bioeconomy; b) Applied Ecology and Global Change; c) Soil and Nutrient Management; d) Sustainability Accounting and Optimisation and e) Governance for Sustainability.
Hits: 396
BYPROTVAL has participated in the CARBAFIN workshop Horizon Europe No. 761030 aimed at finding new applications for glycosylated products in the food and feed sector, cosmetics, detergents and polymers, and for fructose as a precursor of the platform chemical 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The workshop was held in the framework of the 14th edition of the European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB), the leading European event on Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy, held in Vienna.
Hits: 280
REDIT and the Valencia Chamber of Commerce are organising this networkig with the presentation of outstanding results of LIFE projects in the Valencian Community, which is essential for companies and organisations to learn about new developments in technologies, materials and processes related to the environment, and to be able to take advantage of them.
Hits: 351
They are a technological and sustainable platform for the transformation of waste into fuels and bioproducts. They develop projects, produce and market bioproducts from the chemical recycling of unusable plastics and animal protein waste, adding value to products that currently generate costs for industry and society.